Jul 10, 2008

★Magic Hour & Farewell Party.

Here, id like to talk about last weekend.

It was kind a little busy day, though i went to the theater with my mom in the morning and saw the brand new movie "Magic Hour". It was really funny and move. The story is about Gang in a small town 守課護-shukago. It was been ages since i had gone out with my mom last time, though i was happy that she had a fun time there, too!

After that, i went to a farewell party of a friend of mine from my part-time job. Actually , there's a housewife who has very cheerful personality...AND she was the loudest person in a 7 people there. In a good way of course:-D

It was a great day☆

The picture is from the Movie " Magic Hour"
If you have time, please check this out!

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